Please join The Art Guild for our Annual Membership Meeting
Thursday, October 24, 2019, 7 pm at Elderfields.
All members and friends are encouraged to attend.
Find out what’s been going on at The Art Guild this past year,
learn about new programs and opportunities. Introduction of new board members.
Refreshments will be available.

Following the meeting:
Demo: Printing Without a Press –
Add to Your Artistic Toolbox!
with Artist and Instructor
Stephanie Navon-Jacobson
Two simple and exciting printing processes which can be accomplished without a printing press, will be demonstrated and discussed.
Silkscreen monotype: This is NOT the t-shirt making we did in high school!
Combining screen printing, drawing, and painting techniques, an artist can create stand-alone unique prints, images which can be enhanced with mixed media, or overprinted on other artwork.
Relief printing materials have become easier to cut and use. A block or plate is carved into, ink is applied to its surface, and printed on paper, fabric or other surfaces. Many multiples of an image can be created for greeting cards or repeat patterns.
Stephanie Navon-Jacobson is an artist, printmaker, and instructor. She is currently on the faculties of St. John’s University, Art League of LI, The Art Guild, and the Great Neck Adult program where she teaches printmaking as well as other art disciplines.