Sacred Geometry in Art
for Middle & High Schoolers with Antonia Fthenakis
7 weeks: September 10, 17, 24, Oct 15, 22, 29, November 12, from 11am-12:30pm (No class Oct. 1 & 8, Nov. 5)
The Art of Nature, an introduction to the sacred geometry of everyday life.
In this course, Andonia Fthenakis will take you on a journey through geometry, and its relationship to nature, culture, and our understanding of the universe. You will gain an intimate understanding of the power of numbers 1-10 in the world and how they are used in nature and art, in patterns, structure and design.
The course includes several techniques to create sacred geometry using a compass, drawing, and painting. We will create Metatron’s Cube, Athena’s Web (the Weave of the Goddess), Golden Rectangles & Spirals, and more.
Sacred geometry is that which unites and creates all realities. Sacred geometry is a complex system of symbols and structures involving space, time and form and these basic patterns of existence are perceived as sacred.
It unites the mind and the heart, spirit and matter, science and spirituality. It shows us that everything in nature is made up of patterns, structures, and designs from the smallest atom to the infinite universe. Here we will find that mathematical order is intrinsic to the nature of the universe. Some of the most prevalent traditional geometric forms ascribed to sacred geometry include the sine wave, the sphere, the vesica piscis, the 5 platonic solids, the torus (donut), the golden spiral, the tesseract (4-dimensional cube), and the merkaba (2 oppositely oriented and interpenetrating tetrahedrons). Sacred geometry is considered foundational to building sacred structures such as temples, mosques, megaliths, monuments and churches; sacred spaces such as altars, temenoi and tabernacles; meeting places such as sacred groves, village greens and holy wells and the creation of religious art, iconography and using “divine” mathematical proportions. Alternatively, sacred geometry based arts may be ephemeral, such as visualization (kaleidoscope), sand painting, and medicine wheels.
Together, through the art-making process, we will investigate nature to understand and create works of art based on sacred geometry. Some of the topics to be covered are:
- Introduction to sacred geometry in art and nature
- Fundamentals of the number sequence and its relationship to form and symbols.
- Geometric structures in nature, the cross sections of trees, plants, seeds, shells
- Nature’s design of botanicals; dissecting form and matter.
- Patterns in nature, looking at life from microcosm to macrocosm.
- Drawing sacred geometry forms
- Painting an original work of art using sacred geometry.
More info and a materials list (minimal) to come.