Nassau County High School Show
Juried Competition & Exhibition
The Art Guild invites all Nassau County High School Students to submit their 2D or 3D artworks for consideration to its 2023
Nassau County High School Student Juried Art Competition and Exhibition.
Deadline: Monday, October 16th, midnight
Awards & Reception: Sunday, November 5th, 3 – 5pm
Exhibit on View: November 5 – 25
Juror of Awards: Robyn Cooper
Congratulations to the winners of the High School exhibit!
1st – Disguiser, Mingxi Zheng – Roslyn High School
2nd – A Pearl, Ava DeAngelis – Oyster Bay High School
3rd – Sorrowing Young Girl – Anastasia Kulpa – Our Lady of Mercy
Honorable Mention – The Intangible – Abigail Ho – Syosset High School
Honorable Mention – Who are you? – Sarai Feliciano – Valley Stream High School
Honorable Mention – Heart – Samantha DiVito – Paul D. Schreiber High School
Congratulations to the following artists on their acceptances into the exhibit:
Accetta, Alexandra | Sean’s selfie | Oceanside |
Alesi, Victoria | Bedside | Locust Valley |
Amiama, William | Landmark Tower Sunset | Oyster Bay |
Roy, Arunima | Gracing Scars | Valley Stream |
Axelrod, Amanda | Charcuterie Board | Syosset |
Bachmann, Katherine | Falling from Hope | Manhasset |
Bhairo, Amelia | Trust | West Hempstead |
Cai, Yuxin | In One World | Syosset |
The Golden Toad | ||
Cardone, Gabby | Self Reflection | Herricks |
Castiglione, Gianna | Ribcage | Locust Valley |
Castilho, Dalia | Pride | Great Neck |
Chiarucci, Catherine | Through the eyes of a grandchild | Manhasset |
Chimos, Chrissy | In Your Hands | Manhasset |
Chun, Kaitlyn | A Breath of Fresh Air | Jericho |
Chvasta, Isabella | Portrait of a Man | Syosset |
Covino, Victoria | Charcoal Flower | West Hempstead |
DeAngelis, Ava | A Pearl | Oyster Bay |
Dell’ Aquila, Daniella | Exhausted | Manhasset |
DiVito, Samantha | Heart | Port Washington |
Falcone, Isabella | Familiar Jingle | Manhasset |
Feliciano, Sarai | Who are you? | Valley Stream |
Feygin, Becky | 6 Foot Reach | Hewlett |
Figueroa, Omar | I see it do you? | Oyster Bay |
Fnu, Bisma | Change in the City | Hicksville |
Gao,Annissa | Reflection | Great Neck |
George, Phoebe | Possessed! | Glen Cove |
Germans, Annemie | Blessing in Disguise | Locust Valley |
Ho, Abigail | The Intangible | Syosset |
Hong, Ethen | Confession | Syosset |
Hsia, Gloria | Armored | Great Neck |
Huang, Alyssa | Receipts | Syosset |
Jaco, Brian | All Hail the King | Hicksville |
Ke, Lily | Dog and chopsticks | Syosset |
Khodjakhanova, Kseniya | Awareness | Syosset |
Koyi, Aashrita | Shades of Grey | Jericho |
Kulpa, Anastasia | Bicycle | Our Lady of Mercy |
Sorrowing Young Girl | ||
Lee, David | The Dream | Hicksville |
Lee, Janice | The red scarf | Syosset |
Unity | ||
Lee, Juhyung | Nature | Syosset |
Li, Kenneth | Christmas 100 years from now | Manhasset |
Liu, Jocelyn | 100 | Manhasset |
Mallen, Larissa | Rebirth-A Disconnection | Syosset |
Mallin, Michaela | Divergence | Roslyn |
Mangano, Matthew | Within reach | Syosset |
Matrisciano, Akiko | Owl Still Life | Our Lady of Mercy |
McConnell, Caitlin | Bored | Baldwin |
Monsale, Natalia | Evening Pearl | Glen Cove |
Muller, Sadie | Self Portrait 1 | Port Washington |
Nunez, Katarina | Madrina | East Rockaway |
Late Night Snack | ||
Park, Jacqueline | Crumpled paper still life | Great Neck |
Candy paper still life | ||
Jackelyn Perez | Carballo | W Hempstead |
Pinder, Phoebe | The Transfer | Glen Cove |
Rodriguez, Rozlyn | Thread of History | West Hempstead |
Ruggiero, Elizabeth | Distracted | East Rockaway |
Here yet gone | ||
Rutherford, THomas | Old Man | Locust Valley |
Sarchese, Christian | Granny’s Smile | Port Washington |
Savopoulos, Michael | Behold her gaze | Oceanside |
Seng, Alyssa | Skull | Manhasset |
Sepe, Olivia | Strawberries | Oceanside |
Shi, Carrina | Candle | Manhasset |
Song, Angela | Farewell | Syosset |
Tang, Emily | Roar | Syosset |
Theofilatos, Emma | Petals Falling | Manhasset |
Tian, Xavier | Goth Girl Batting | Syosset |
Tobar, Lili | Tangled | Manhasset |
Rodas Villatoro Damaris | The Inner World | Hewlett |
Wang, Jasmine | Woman’s Autonomy | Syosset |
New World | ||
Wang, Jessica | The smell of rain | Syosset |
Wilde, Olivia | Hanging on by a Stem | Locust Valley |
Yang, Matthew | Deconstruction | Manhasset |
Zeledon, Charles | Matagalpa Street | Hewlett |
Zhao, Katherine | Lost Dreams | Great Neck |
Zheng, Elizabeth | Trapped | Manhasset |
Zeng, Mingxi | Disguiser | Great Neck |
Ziarno, Olivia | Skeleton in the Closet | Hewlett |
A Pearl-2nd Place, Ave DeAngelis ,Oyster Bay HS, Cut Paper 13×16
Ave DeAngelis Oyster Bay HS Cut Paper 13×16
Hanging on by a Stem, Olivia Wilde, Locust Valley HS ,Charcoal and Oil Pastels 14×14
Olivia Wilde Locust Valley HS Charcoal and Oil Pastels 14×14
Madrina, Katarina Nunez ,East Rockaway HS ,Acrylic Paint 24×18
Katarina Nunez East Rockaway HS Acrylic Paint 24×18
Bedside, Victoria Alesi ,Locust Valley HS, Pen and Ink 15×12
Victoria Alesi Locust Valley HS Pen and Ink 15×12
One World, Yuxin Cai ,Syosset HS, Pen and Watercolor 11×17
Yuxin Cai Syosset HS Pen and Watercolor 11×17
Trust, Katherine Bachmann, Manhasset HS ,Watercolor 17×20
Katherine Bachmann Manhasset HS Watercolor 17×20
Falling From Hope, Katherine Bachmann ,Manhasset HS, Watercolor 17×20
Katherine Bachmann Manhasset HS Watercolor 17×20
Gracing Scars, Arunima Roy, Valley Stream North HS ,Charcoal and Pencil 18×24
Arunima Roy Valley Stream North HS Charcoal and Pencil 18×24
Landmark Tower Sunset, William Amiama ,Oyster Bay HS ,Digital Art 20×16
William Amiama Oyster Bay HS Digital Art 20×16
Sean’s Selfie, Alexandra Accetta ,Oceanside HS ,Charcoal 20×16
Alexandra Accetta Oceanside HS Charcoal 20×16
Pelvis, Gianna Castiglione, Locust Valley HS ,Graphite on drawing paper 20.5×26.5
Gianna Castiglione Locust Valley HS Graphite on drawing paper 20.5×26.5
The Golden Toad, Yuxin Cai, Syosset HS ,Watercolor and color pencil 11×17
Yuxin Cai Syosset HS Watercolor and color pencil 11×17
Self Reflection, Gabby Cardone ,Herricks HS ,Paint, Colored Pencil, Mirror/Fabric 13×12
Gabby Cardone Herricks HS Paint, Colored Pencil, Mirror/Fabric 13×12
Christmas 100 Years from Now, Kenneth Li ,Manhasset Secondary School ,Acrylic 20×16
Kenneth Li Manhasset Secondary School Acrylic 20×16
Rebirth,a disconnection, Larissa Mallen ,Syosset HS ,Marker and Colored pencil on paper 24×18
Larissa Mallen Syosset HS Marker and Colored pencil on paper 24×18
Divergence, Michaela Mallin ,Roslyn HS, Digital Art 17×15
Michaela Mallin Roslyn HS Digitla Art 17×15
Within Reach, Matthew Mangano, Syosset HS ,Digital Painting 19×11
Matthew Mangano Syosset HS Digital Painting 19×11
Owl Still Life, Akiko Matrisciano ,Our Lady of Mercy ,Ink on paper 16×20
Akiko Matrisciano Our Lady of Mercy Ink on paper 16×20
Pride, Dalia Castilho ,Great Neck South HS ,Watercolor 24×18
Dalia Castilho Great Neck South HS Watercolor 24×18
Through the Eyes of a Grandchild, Catherine Chiarucci ,Manhasset HS ,Oil 16×20
Catherine Chiarucci Manhasset HS Oil 16×20
I see it do you?Omar Figueroa ,Oyster Bay HS ,Acrylic and Cut out paper 16×20
Omar Figueroa Oyster Bay HS Acrylic and Cut out paper 16×20
Who are you?- Honorable Mention, Sarai-Feliciano ,Valley Stream North HS ,Black charcoal 12×16
Sarai-Feliciano Valley Stream North HS Black charcoal 12×16
A Familiar Jingle, Isabella Falcone ,Manhasset HS, Colored pencils/Gouache/Digital Sketch 10×13
Isabella Falcone Manhasset HS Colored pencils/Gouache/Digital Sketch 10×13
Heart- Honorable Mention, Samantha DiVito ,Paul D Schreiber HS, Colored pencil 19×26
Samantha DiVito Paul D Schreiber HS Colored pencil 19×26
Exhausted, Daniella Dell’Aquila ,Manhasset HS ,Colored pencil 26×20
Daniella Dell’Aquila Manhasset HS Colored pencil 26×20
Charcoal Flower, Victoria Covino, West Hempstead HS ,Charcoal 9×10
Victoria Covino West Hempstead HS Charcoal 9×10
A Breath of Fresh Air, Kaitlyn Chun ,Jericho HS, Colored Pencils 19×25
Kaitlyn Chun Jericho HS COlored Pencils 19×25
In your hands, Chrissy Chimos ,Manhasset HS ,Colored Pencil 12×9
Chrissy Chimos Manhasset HS Colored Pencil 12×9
Reflection, Anissa Gao ,Great Neck South HS, Mixed media 24×30
Anissa Gao Great Neck South HS Mixed media 24×30
Possessed!Phoebe George ,Glen Cove HS, DIgital 8.63×13.65
Phoebe George Glen Cove HS DIgital 8.63×13.65
Blessing in Disguise, Annemie Germans, Locust Valley HS ,Acrylic paint on canvas 8×8
Annemie Germans Locust Valley HS Acrylic paint on canvas 8×8
The Intangible- Honorable Mention, Abigail Ho, Syosset HS ,Sculpture 11.75x8x5.5
Abigail Ho Syosset HS Sculpture 11.75x8x5.5
Confession, Ethen Hong, Jericho HS ,Graphite pencil/charcoal/ink 17.5×21.5
Ethen Hong Jericho HS Graphite pencil/charcoal/ink 17.5×21.5
All Hail the King, Brian Jaco ,Hicksville HS, Oil on Canvas 22×18
Brian Jaco Hicksville HS Oil on Canvas 22×18
Dog And Chopsticks, Lily Ke , Syosset HS ,Colored pencils and watercolor 21×17
Lily Ke Syosset HS Colored pencils and watercolor 21×17
Late Night Snack, Katarina Nunez ,East Rockaway HS, Acrylic Paint 18×22
Katarina Nunez East Rockaway HS Acrylic Paint 18×22
Evening Pearl, Natalia Monsale ,Glen Cove HS ,Gouache 16.1×12.3
Natalia Monsale Glen Cove HS Gouache 16.1×12.3
Bored, Caitlin McConnell ,Baldwin HS ,Acrylic and Posca Marker 24×16
Caitlin McConnell Baldwin HS Acrylic and Posca Marker 24×16
Unity, Janice Lee ,Syosset HS ,Charcoal and Pastel 18×24
Janice Lee Syosset HS Charcoal and Pastel 18×24
The Red Scarf, Janice Lee ,Syosset HS ,Color pencil and Digital Art 14×18
Janice Lee Syosset HS Color pencil and Digital Art 14×18
Sorrowing Young Girl-3rd Place, Anastasia Kulpa, Our Lady of Mercy, Acrylic, colored pencil on wood panel 16×20
Anastasia Kulpa Our Lady of Mercy Acrylic, colored pencil on wood panel 16×20
Bicycle, Anastasia Kulpa ,Our Lady of Mercy ,Ink and colored paper 16×20
Anastasia Kulpa Our Lady of Mercy Ink and colored paper 16×20
Awareness, Kseniya Khodjakhanova, Syosset HS, Pen and Ink 15×20
Kseniya Khodjakhanova Syosset HS Pen and Ink 15×20
Self Portrait 1, Sadie Muller ,Paul D Schreiber HS ,Acrylic Paint on canvas 14×11
Sadie Muller Paul D Schreiber HS Acrylic Paint on canvas 14×11
Candy Paper Still Life, Jacqueline Park ,Great Neck North HS ,Acrylic Paint 17×17
Jacqueline Park Great Neck North HS Acrylic Paint 17×17
Crumpled Paper Still life, Jacqueline Park ,Great Neck North HS ,Graphite 13×16
Jacqueline Park Great Neck North HS Graphite 13×16
Carballo, Jackelyn Perez ,West Hempstead HS ,Acrylic and Oil Pastel 10×8
Jackelyn Perez West Hempstead HS Acrylic and Oil Pastel 10×8
The Transfer, Phoebe Pinder, Glen Cove HS ,Acrylic Paint 20×30
Phoebe Pinder Glen Cove HS Acrylic Paint 20×30
Thread of History, Rozlyn Rodriguez, West Hempstead HS ,Multimedia/Acrylic/Collage/stitching 11×18
Rozlyn Rodriguez West Hempstead HS Multimedia/Acrylic/Collage/stitching 11×18
Distracted, Elizabeth Ruggiero ,East Rockaway HS ,Oil 20×26
Elizabeth Ruggiero East Rockaway HS Oil 20×26
Here yet gone, Elizabeth Ruggiero, East Rockaway HS ,Oil 18×26
Elizabeth Ruggiero East Rockaway HS Oil 18×26
Granny’s Smile, Christian Sarchese ,Paul D Schreiber HS ,Pencil 16×20
Christian Sarchese Paul D Schreiber HS Pencil 16×20
The Inner World, Damaris Villatoro Rodas, Hewlett HS ,Charcoal 16×12
Damaris Villatoro Rodas Hewlett HS Charcoal 16×12
Goth Girl Batting, Xavier Tian ,Syosset HS ,Gouache/acrylic/color pencil 17×14
Xavier Tian Syosset HS Gouache/acrylic/color pencil 17×14
Petals Falling, Emma Theofilatos, Manhasset HS ,Colored pencil and black pencil paper 9.5×14
Emma Theofilatos Manhasset HS Colored pencil and black pencil paper 9.5×14
Strawberries, Olivia Sepe ,Oceanside HS ,Colored pencils 10×7
Olivia Sepe Oceanside HS Colored pencils 10×7
Skull, Alyssa Seng ,Manhasset Secondary School, White colored pencil 8×8
Alyssa Seng Manhasset Secondary School White colored pencil 8×8
Behold Her Gaze, Michael Savopoulos ,Oceanside HS ,Charcoal 20×16
Michael Savopoulos Oceanside HS Charcoal 20×16
New world, Jasmine Wang, Syosset HS, Pen and ink on paper 16×20
Jasmine Wang Syosset HS Pen and ink on paper 16×20
Woman’s autonomy, Jasmine Wang ,Syosset HS, Mixed media on Paper 20×15
Jasmine Wang Syosset HS Mixed media on Paper 20×15
The Smell of Rain, Jessica Wang, Syosset HS, Digital Art 16×20
Jessica Wang Syosset HS Digital Art 16×20
Matagalpa Street, Charles Zeledon ,Hewlett HS, Digital Art 12×18
Charles Zeledon Hewlett HS Digital Art 12×18
Deconstruction, Matthew Yang ,Locust Valley HS, Ball point pen20x28
Matthew Yang Locust Valley HS Ball point pen20x28
Lost dreams, Katherine Zhao, Great Neck North HS, Prismacolor colored pencils/acrylic paint/confetti material 12×9
Katherine Zhao Great Neck North HS Prismacolor colored pencils/acrylic paint/confetti material 12×9
Thank you!
A big thank you to our sponsors and teachers for their unwavering dedication and invaluable support! We couldn’t do this without you. Your commitment and assistance make all the difference. We are truly grateful for your contributions.

Deadline: October 16th, midnight
Drop Off: Oct 29 3-5pm and Oct 30 1-6pm
Pick Up: Nov 27 1-6pm and Nov 28 1-6pm
Awards & Reception: Sunday, November 5th, 3 – 5pm
Exhibit on View: November 5 – 25
QUESTIONS Call 516-304-5797 or email artshow@TheArtGuild.org.
If you have problems with the uploader, please email your images to artshow@TheArtGuild.org – with ALL contact information, image titles and mediums. We will invoice you for payment. Submission will not be included in curating without payment.
Emailed images must include your name, contact information and the title, medium, value, and size in your email.
To resize or compress your images, go to PICRESIZE.com
Please be aware that the digital images you send should look as good as they possibly can. These will be the images that will be will be reviewed by our curators and displayed in our online gallery. Try to photograph your image in natural light, that the image is straight and that there is no glare on glass or varnished surface.
The Selection Committee will review all entries and notify each artist as to the acceptance of the submitted work. High school students will be reviewed and judged separately. The Art Guild has the right, in its sole discretion, to choose which eligible entries will be accepted to be exhibited. All decisions are final. Artists whose work has been selected will be notified either by email OR on our website.
1st Place $300 • 2nd Place $200 • 3rd Place $100 • Honorable Mentions
Artwork may be sold directly by the artist with a suggested donation of 20% of the selling price from the artist to The Art Guild. Note, however, that sales may not be made at the exhibition.
All work must remain on view for the duration of the exhibit.
The Liability Waiver on the entry form must be signed by the artist submitting images for consideration. It is the responsibility of the participating artist to insure or self-insure any work submitted for inclusion in this exhibit.