Wanting Spring – Camellia
Jeanne Millspaugh
8 x 10 in.
Samsung camera 9g
Camellias make me happy. Co-vid 19 was getting all the publicity when it should have been Spring.
Same Thing, Different Day
Maddy Mistretta
East Rockaway High School
12 x 16 in.
This photo reflects my 2020 as the majority of the photo seems to have a lot of life and movement while the subject of the photo is completely over what’s going on. I chose this specific photo to reminisce about the beginning of quarantine when family game nights were very common in my house. While spending the time together was very good, it got to a point where every day was the same and I couldn’t help but get sick of it. This photo also represents being tired of the year as a whole and how redundant this year was as the days went on.
Wake Me When This Is over
Maddy Mistretta
East Rockaway High School
10 x 15 in.
This photo reflects 2020 as the lack of motivation and a huge increase in mental health disorders emerged. Having to stay home all day every day with little interaction and lack of a lot of things people loved to do like spending time with others, going to school and even working. Things we once took for granted became things we longed for. This photo represents someone who’s been in the same spot clearly for a long time. My inspiration for the photo was to emulate a depressive state in which someone has no motivation to even get up. This is how I and definitely a lot of others felt this year.
Day’s End
Shaylee Moreno
Masconomet High School
1000 x 1500 px
I wanted to capture the brilliant sun and the beautiful colors of the sunset. Though 2020 has been a hard year and it may feel like we will never see the end of COVID-19, I wanted to use this sunset to show that there is also something bright ahead.
All Good Things Must Come to an End
Alyssa Nicolo
East Rockaway High School
13.5 x 10 in.
digital photo
I chose this piece because 2020 has taught me, and many people that you can lose someone at any moment. With the rise of the corona virus in the United States and other countries across the globe, connection, and human contact has been limited and restricted. Families, businesses, and the nation have been negatively affected and myself and others have lost loved ones. This piece shows the importance of keeping your loved ones close and cherishing the moments spent with them.
Around the Back
Loretta Oberheim
9 x 12 in.
digital photo
It’s been decades since I took this route. The memories that flashed before my eyes, as I touched the weathered wood, brought a smile to my face. But the sadness of why I couldn’t enter the front door quickly took over and brought tears to my eyes.
Expectations Vs. The Creator
AndiMarie Ordonez
Our Lady of Mercy Academy
8.5 x 11 in.
digital photo
I chose this piece because it really taught me how expectations can break a creator, and how little it can make you feel. This piece means so much to me, and how I am able to portray myself, and my growth, throughout 2020.
Denise Ortell
14 x 17 in.
The colors were simply breathtaking.
Love Heals
Patricia Paladines
10 x 7 in.
digital photo
My husband planted the seed that grew this squash in early spring of 2020. Like so many things we hoped to give fruit this past year, the plant did not do well, bearing few fruits. This squash split while still on the vine, but it healed beautifully.
Hidden Rainbow
Liliana Parlakian
Long Beach High School
16.79 x 13.89 in.
digital photo
I was given some flowers during quarantine, and even when they were dying, they looked beautiful. There was a rainbow by the wall that caught my eyes, and I knew it showed the beauty of the flowers even more.