Logical Perspective Workshop with Howard Rose
October 19 (Part 2) • Noon – 3 pm • $60

This is the second part of Howard Rose’s Logical Perspective workshop. All are welcome! No need to take part 1 to take part 2!
One point, two point and three point perspective – it’s in every drawing and every design that you will create as an artist. Learning to see perspective without the complicated measurements will make it second nature in your designs and drawings. You have to get good at it to create realistic work.
Is it right or is it wrong?
If you get the basic concepts of vanishing points and understanding the idea that objects get smaller as they recede, you will get accurate perspective lines in your initial designs with minimal effort.
Don’t get discouraged by looking at YouTube videos. They will look so very complicated and – they are!
You will leave this workshop, with a clear and logical understanding of all of the basic rules of perspective. You will be able to create accurate perspective visually without measuring and getting lost in the details.
Howard will supply a 36-page Perspective Workbook that will cover everything you need to know.
Bring to class a 12-inch ruler, pencils, eraser and blank 8.5 x 11 white paper (nothing special).
Look forward to seeing you!
Howard Rose