Introduction to Abstract Painting (All Levels) with Ellen Hallie Schiff
4 weeks • Monday • September 14, 21, Oct 5 & October 12 • 1:30pm – 4:-0pm
*** Outdoor Classes are under a tent so that social distancing can be practiced. Face mask guidelines must be followed and tables will be cleaned between classes. Guidelines will be provided to all students upon registration.

Intrigued by the idea of painting abstractly? This four session class will give you a taste of painting in an abstract manner. We will be working with black and white water based enamel on watercolor paper. This experience has been called “freeing” and “a lot of fun “ by so many students. Experience what it feels like to paint this way. Lots of individualized instruction and discussion. The works you produce here can be the beginnings of new ideas and directions.
MATERIALS List to come
Ellen will provide the paint.
Artist’s Statement
An essential truth seems to come alive when I use my body to create my paintings- something visceral and muscular; a directness that feels so “right”. The authentic mark is what I am after; the true, non-gimmicky, not contrived mark; the mark that is made when “I am the painting I am painting”. Playing with the paint, working sometimes at the speed of light, other times slowly and deliberately; all coming together in a flurry of physical activity. The result is an authentic moment in time.
Ellen is on the Art Advisory Council of the Port Washington Library and is the former Vice President of The Art Guild of Port Washington. Her work has been exhibited in galleries in Philadelphia and New York. Her friend and mentor is Stan Brodsky. View Ellen’s work at @ehschiff.