Basic Watercolors with Esther Marie
8 weeks: Jan. 14, 21, 28, Feb. 4, 11, 25 and March 10, 17 • 10:30am-12:30pm (No class February 18 and March 3)

This class will help promote confidence and control in watercolors.
To focus, we will start with a simple breathing exersize for a couple of minutes before we start to paint.
This class will focus on developing good compositions through negative painting, focal points and a variety of tools. Students will learn about brush strokes, washes, blending and color theory. They will use watercolors to establish color and light, to work wet-on-wet, for texture, to suggest value changes, for negative painting with discussion on composition, as well as for focus and depth.
Demonstrations will be followed by hands-on experience, one-on-one asistance, and encouraging critiques.
The emphasis in this class is on individual instructional techniques to foster the student’s ability. Students will complete several small paintings in the class.