Annual Membership Meeting 2025

Annual Membership Meeting
Date: Wednesday, April 9th
Time: 7pm
Location: The Port Washington Public Library
Please join us at our Annual Membership Meeting! Learn what we are planning for the future and join us for a whirlwind presentation by Debbie Wells, “Artful Fun Facts”. This is an important meeting, as the issues to be discussed will affect the direction in which we move over the course of the next year. We kindly ask all of our members to please attend. If you cannot attend the meeting, please complete the attached Proxy below prior to the meeting so your vote is counted. (Note that the Proxy is not applicable to our student members; however, they are welcome to attend the meeting).
*You do not need to be a member to attend Debbie Well’s presentation. It is open to all. Voting is restricted to members.
The agenda for this meeting will include:
- Presentation of Financial Report
- Election of Proposed Directors
- Summary of the past year’s events
- Discussion of future events
- Presentation by Debbie Wells
Members – unable to attend the Annual Member Meeting? Make sure your vote is included by completing the Proxy below prior to the meeting!
Membership expired? Renew today!

Artful Fun Facts
Presentation with Debbie Wells
Date: Wednesday, April 9th
Time: 7pm
Location: The Port Washington Public Library
*You do not need to be a member to attend Debbie Well’s presentation. It is open to all.