20/20 Family Picnic
Annette Kasle
7 x 9 in.
digital photograph
The world of 2020 had resulted in such terrible family disruptions. It is our good fortune that our family has found time to celebrate. This photograph of my mother and her grandchildren and great-grandchildren will serve as an important record of our family’s continued caring for each other despite social distancing and masks.
20/20 Garage Studio Portraits “Bill”
Dan Kasle
9 x 7 in.
digital photograph
During My 2020, I set out to improve my portrait skills by setting up an open studio space in our garage and inviting people working around our neighborhood to sit for me. Bill is a successful landscape contractor in Nassau and Suffolk.
20/20 No Hugs
Dan Kasle
12 x 9 in.
digital photograph
During My 2020, I set out to improve my portrait skills by setting up an open studio space in our garage. These portraits of our grandsons were taken after a touch-less, distanced outside visit.
We May Be Broken But We Still Reflect
Sue Kwasnick
10 x 8 in.
The fragility but resilience of the pier piling alongside of the reflection made me think how we can survive this time of Coronavirus even if we suffer, have lost so much and have a long way to go before recovery.
Waterdrop Dawn
Kirk Larsen
8 x 16 in.
digital photo
On quick walks before coffee I take pictures to inspire others. I look for the beauty we overlook, unless we take the time to let go of the noise of the news cycle and witness things like this 2 millimeter drop of rain.
Be Safe
Eleni Litt
Even as so many suffered and died we found some lightness with our (stuffed) pets.
Allyson Lovera
East Rockaway High School
13.5 x 10 in.
During quarantine, days of silence, and loneliness, I was stripped of my ego. Transformation is what life is all about, right? All about going through these traumas and coming out a better person. Then, repeating this process all over again. Progress stops for no one, so why would it stop for a virus? Throughout this period of discontent, I became comfortable with the unknown and unsaid as I got acne. Confidence is key however, before quarantine, it’s not true confidence that strangled me in everything i did, it was my ego fighting to live. This image portrays the overwhelming process of shedding my ego. This ego was the false confidence I had over how I looked on the outside to other people. Now, who I am on the inside is where my confidence comes from. Quarantine and the acne that came with it was needed for me to be my highest self, and this image represents this period of growth.
Home Connection
Mark Mancher
18 x 12 in.
digital photo
Taken through a window in my home, the photo captures an intimate moment of my wife and son communicating by video with my daughter. The expressions and gestures convey warmth and concern.
New Vaccine Dream
Avrel Menkes
8 x 10 in.
Surreal and dreamlike, this photo suggests a reflection on life in a world with the new Covid-19 vaccine. Symbolized as joyful silhouetted floating shapes and patterns, the vaccine interplays with the unmasked man, defining steps to renewed life.
Hot Wired
John Michaels
18 x 24 in.
digital photo
I photographed a telephone circuit box and manipulated it by developing glowing colors and lines to make it look “electrifying”.