Call to Artists: Figuratively Speaking, A Juried Competition and Exhibition
On view: March 13- April 2, 2022
Artists Awards & Reception: Sunday, March 13, 3-5pm
Congratulations to the following artists for their accepted works(s)!
Isabelle Anderson – Surround
Shane Bard – Ray Asleep
Joanne Barrett – Little Queenie
Susanne Corbelletta – Untitled, Study
Caryn Coville – Isolation
Lisa Cutler – Secret Garden
Grace DelValle – Through Skin and Bones
Dana Epstein – Zen, Ponder
Karen Fagelman – Seated
Michele Garfield – Determination, Bike Race
Jan Guarino – Indie Girls, Native Pride
Shelley Holtzman – Leslie, Tatiana
Lauren Jenkins – Jeremy Zucker NYC
Olivia Johns – Subway Station
Marc Josloff – Leaning on a Hand, Facing Away
Martha Klein – Wednesday Model
E. Craig Marcin – A New Day
Julie McLocklin – Coffee and a Cigarette
John Micheals – Bettie Boop
Elena Mingorance – The Age of Grace
Melissa Mora – Don’t Let It Enter (1/4)
Yadhira Olazo – Girl on the Beach
Lauren Oliver-Boppert – Pink Soul
Rebecca Poarch – Nude 1
Matt Pollackov – Going Down, Fallen
Alice Riordan – Meg, 3 Graces
Susan Rostan – Ella, in the making
Irene Sankari – Queen of the Market, Wedding Day
Mary Valentino Schneider – Surrounded by Beauty
Noel Shavzin – Figures
Annemarie Siefert – Off-Season, Pause Innocents Dare
Barbara Silbert – Nude Study in Charcoal, The Lovely Madeleine
Rob Silverman – Telly
Andrew Small – Ski Bum
Joan Stevens – Sitting Pretty
Dean Stone – Twenty Minutes
Bob Stuhmer – Jack And The Beanstalk-Giant
Kay Vickers – Union Square, Dorothy
Manny Villalobos – Time Machine Sessions with Easy Mo Bee
Judy Vine – Figure Reclining
Theodora Zavala – Darina and Oscar
The Art Guild invites all artists, high school and older, to submit artworks for consideration for “Figuratively Speaking”, a Juried Competition and Exhibition.
Drawing and painting the figure, as art, dates back to ancient times. The figure has been reproduced in many forms and mediums. The artist can relate to the figure and use it to express emotions, tell a story, evoke a mood, etc. Anything which embodies the human experience will be considered.
CRITERIA All styles from non-objective to abstracted realism are welcome. Figures can be nude, partially clothed or clothed, full, 3/4 or half figure. All works must be original and have been created in the last five years. References used in the creation of the submitted work must be the artist’s own, or copyright-released for use in this work. Works previously exhibited at The Art Guild Gallery will not be considered.
MEDIUMS: Included but not limited to acrylic, charcoal, collage, colored pencil, digital art, ink, mixed media, oil, pastel, pencil, printmaking, sculpture, or watercolor. No Photography, Copies, Master Copies, Reproductions or Giclees.
JUDGE Steve Lampasona is a modern day renaissance man, with a focus on realism. He enjoys working and teaching in a variety of mediums and has also worked on a number of corporate and residential installations combining 2 and 3 dimensional design. Steve has exhibited in several shows in NYC including O.K.Harris and Gallery Henoch, and is represented by the Capricorn Gallery in Washington DC. He has been teaching in New York City and Long Island for over 30 years.
SIZE AND FRAMING: Size, with frame, must not exceed 36” on the longest side. Work should be cleanly matted and/or framed (if appropriate), wired securely for hanging, with the wire attached via screw eyes or D-rings to the frame (not the backboard). No saw tooth hangers, tape or string on the back. Gallery wraps are acceptable, but they must be a least 1” thick. Work must be labeled with artist’s name, phone number and email address.
Framing of your work must comply with the above OR IT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
Digital submissions of up to three (3) images uploaded to our website (preferred method) or via email to artshow@TheArtGuild.org
- be between 1MB and a maximum of 3MB each, and 1,000 pixels on their shortest side. To resize or compress your images, go to PICRESIZE.com
- label your images as follows:
artist’s lastname_firstname_entrynumber_title.jpg
(ex: smith_john_1_beachsunset.jpg)
If you have problems with the uploader, please email your images to artshow@TheArtGuild.org– with ALL contact information, image titles and mediums. We will invoice you for payment. Submission will not be included in curating without payment.
If paying by check, download printable form
ENTRY FEE(S) Entry fees are payable online when you upload or by mailing a check. Registration is required and fees are non-refundable.
- Members: $30 (1-2 pieces)
- Non-members: $45 (1-2 pieces)
- High School Student members: $15 (1-2 pieces)
- One additional entry: $10 (per person)
- No more than 3 works per artist. Entry fees are non-refundable.
FINALISTS The Selection Committee will review all entries and notify each artist as to the acceptance of the submitted work. The Art Guild has the right, in its sole discretion, to choose which eligible entries will be accepted to be exhibited. All decisions are final. Artists whose work has been selected will be notified after March 1, either by email OR on our website
AWARDS 1st Place $300 • 2nd Place $200 • 3rd Place $100 • Honorable Mentions
LIABILITY & INSURANCE The Liability Waiver on the entry form must be signed by the artist submitting images for consideration. It is the responsibility of the participating artist to insure or self-insure any work submitted for inclusion in this exhibit.
DEADLINE: Tuesday, February 22, 2022 at midnight EST – Application, images and payment must be received.
ACCEPTANCE/REJECTION NOTIFICATION: After March 1, 2022, either by email or here on the website.
EXHIBIT ON VIEW: March 13 – April 2, 2022
DROP OFF: Sunday, March 6, 3pm-5pm and Monday, March 7, 1pm-5pm
PICKUP: Sunday, April 3, 3pm-5pm and Monday, April 4, 1pm-5pm
QUESTIONS Call 516-304-5797 or email info@TheArtGuild.org
If you have problems with the uploader, please email your images to artshow@TheArtGuild.org – with ALL contact information, image titles and mediums. We will invoice you for payment. Submission will not be included in curating without payment.
Emailed images must include your name, contact information and the title, medium, value, and size in your email.
To resize or compress your images, go to PICRESIZE.com
Artwork may be sold directly by the artist with a suggested donation of 20% of the selling price from the artist to The Art Guild. Note, however, that sales may not be made at the exhibition. All work must remain on view for the duration of the exhibit.