Oil Painting with Joan Stevens, Summer 2019
Oil Painting with Joan Stevens
Tuesdays 10 am – 1 pm
6 Weeks: June11, 18, 25 & July 2, 9, 16, 2019
Life Drawing Non-Instructional with Joan Stevens, Spring 2019
Life Drawing Non-Instructional with Joan Stevens
Fridays 11 am – 2 pm
10 weeks: Mar 15, 22, 29, April 5, 12, 19, 26, May 4, 10, 17, 2019

Save The Date! Colored Pencil with Kristy Kutch, April 20-22, 2018
$350 Members • $380 Non-members
We are very excited that colored pencil artist Kristy Kutch will be visiting us in April of 2018! She is the author of Drawing and Painting with Colored Pencil and The New Colored Pencil and her DVDs Colored Pencil Landscapes: Beyond the Basics, Colored Pencil Techniques: Easy Landscape Painting, How to Paint Flowers, and How to Paint Fruit are available at North Light Shop. Kristy has taught colored pencil workshops nationwide providing an informative, enjoyable, and supportive classroom atmosphere.
In this workshop, Kristy will teach fascinating “painterly” techniques for both “traditional” (waxy) and watercolor pencils, as well as watercolor wax pastels (artist-grade watercolor crayons). Explore a wide range of surfaces which lend themselves beautifully to this dynamic medium. Demonstrations, individual attention, materials to sample, and a cache of take-home supplies. You will be able to explore a wide variety of surfaces generously provided by Stonehenge, Strathmore, Ampersand and Armadillo Art companies and MANY samples of papers, pencils and more will be distributed. We’ll even provide a tote bag for all your goodies. (You will need it! We’re not exaggerating!)
Day One is devoted to basic waxy colored pencil on white surfaces such as Bristol board, Stonehenge paper, 4-ply museum board, etc. (samples provided).
Day Two involves colored pencil on toned surfaces, such as Art Spectrum Colourfix paper and Ampersand Pastelbord (samples provided). Techniques for heat-blending with a heat gun and brush-blending with a stencil brush or pastel blending brush will also be covered.
Day Three includes watersoluble techniques with watercolor pencils as well as watercolor wax pastels (samples provided for students).
Kristy Kutch is a graduate of Purdue University, with both bachelor’s and master’s degrees in education, as well as a life license in teaching. She has taught colored pencil/watercolor pencil workshops nationwide, sometimes combining the two types of colored pencil for aqueous effects and intensely rich color. Having worked in colored pencil since 1986, she enjoys portraying flowers, fruit, and the Indiana Dunes and its Lake Michigan beaches. She is a Charter Member of the Colored Pencil Society of America.
Artist statement: Growing up in a creative family, I always had the freedom to experiment, make a mess, and generally putter around and entertain myself. My father was a gifted sketcher and used to draw cartoons for our family as entertainment. From the time I was very young, I remember feeling that it was “the ultimate” to have blank paper and fresh crayons – or maybe a set of Prang watercolors.
I enjoy looking at a common scene or subject and probing more deeply to see it at an uncommon angle or from an arresting point of view. Dramatic contrasts of values also appeal to me, and I can get lost in the joy of carefully applying my colors and seeing something literally burst forth from the paper in startling three-dimensionality.
Teaching workshops throughout the country has added a new dimension to my art. The elementary school educator in me still enjoys seeing the enthusiasm when demonstrating or sharing a drawing concept. I learn from and with my students, delightful groups of people from all walks of life. Patience is well-rewarded with the satisfaction – and yes, fun – of beholding that developing art, both for them, and for me.
For more about Kristy, go to her website.
Make a deposit or pay in full with your credit card via PayPal below. All deposits will be refunded if the workshop does not run. You may cancel 8 weeks before the workshop for a full refund.